Trip to Evondos

On 16/11/23 some of our team members travelled to Finland as guests of Evondos…

Evondos arranged a visit to a packing facility to give an appreciation of large packing centres dedicated to the supply of patient medication regimes in pouches to local pharmacies which can then be dispensed by Evondos dispensers.

They also had the opportunity to speak to members of a care organisation about how the use of the Evondos dispensers in their municipality has greatly reduced the need for home visits to administer medications, allowing nurse's and carer's time to be better dedicated to other more complicated patient needs.

The team would like to extend thanks to Evondos, for allowing them access to their facilities and for their wonderful hospitality!

To see how PillPacPlus pouches work alongside Evondos dispensers to provide an easy solution to the medication routine, click the following link

