Integrated Care Systems

Electronic Medication Administration Record (eMAR) Software for Pharmacies who service care homes.

Say goodbye to tedious paperwork and embrace the future of streamlined and secure medicine management with eMAR Plus. The software consolidates pharmacy communication, ensuring optimised stock levels and uninterrupted medication supply for nursing homes.

"eMAR software is an excellent move forward, it allows you to make changes quicker, reduces errors and gets away from needing paper MAR copies which can become dated once they are printed."

Andrew Lunn, Marchmont Pharmacy

Benefits of eMAR Plus

  • Improved Medication Safety

    eMAR Plus helps enhance medication safety by reducing the risk of errors in medication administration. Our system provides accurate and up-to-date information on medication orders, dosages, and administration schedules. This improvement in medication safety results in better patient outcomes.

  • Enhanced Stock Management

    Our app revolutionises stock management in nursing homes by seamlessly integrating with advanced inventory management features. eMAR Plus provides real-time medication usage data, reordering, and streamlined pharmacy communication, ensuring optimised stock levels and uninterrupted medication supply for nursing homes.

  • Streamlined Communication and Workflow

    By streamlining documentation processes, eMAR Plus reduces administrative burdens, freeing up valuable time for staff to focus on direct patient care. This efficiency leads to improved resident satisfaction and better overall care outcomes.